Film & Animation

To see is to know, but to experience is to understand

In the world of finance, where numbers and data often reign supreme, the power of visual storytelling is often underrated. Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of investor engagement, where the ability to captivate and inform stakeholders through compelling content can make all the difference. We recently collaborated with McBride for their Capital Markets Day, where we choreographed an immersive experience designed to leave a lasting impression on attendees.

Capital Markets Days (CMDs) are pivotal events for listed companies, offering a dedicated platform to engage with investors, analysts, and financial institutions in a structured and impactful manner. However, planning and executing a successful CMD can be resource-intensive, requiring significant time, effort, and resources from management and other key stakeholders. From preparing presentation materials to coordinating logistics and managing attendee engagement, CMDs can strain internal resources and distract from day-to-day operations.

Another challenge companies face with CMDs is the limited impact they can have. While CMDs offer an opportunity to engage with a targeted audience of investors and analysts, their impact may be constrained by factors such as market conditions, investor sentiment, and competing corporate events.

Our objective for McBride’s CMD was to orchestrate a captivating event, carefully tailored to serve as a platform for strategic dialogue. We built a dynamic set that integrated lighting, multimedia elements, as well as a wide range of McBride’s products, to immerse attendees in the full experience of the company. Additionally, we ensured that the set included breakout areas for more specific conversations, allowing attendees to engage in deeper discussions.

We also worked closely with McBride’s leadership to develop a presentation that resonated with stakeholders to effectively communicate their strategic vision, financial performance, and growth opportunities. Through a combination of impactful visuals, compelling storytelling, and data-driven insights, we ensured that every slide and talking point resonated with the diverse audience of those in attendance.

The results of the event were tangible and immediate. Attendees left feeling informed, inspired, and excited about McBride’s prospects. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the innovative set design, engaging presentations, and thoughtful approach to investor relations. Most importantly, the event served as a catalyst for deeper conversations and ongoing partnerships between McBride and its stakeholders.

By investing in compelling experiences that captivate and inform stakeholders, companies can differentiate themselves, inspire confidence, and unlock growth opportunities. At Instinctif Partners, we specialise in creating experiences that drive success. With our expertise in design, production, and strategic engagement, we assist companies in maximising the impact of their investor relations efforts. From managing expectations to flawless execution, we ensure resonant experiences that captivate stakeholders and drive meaningful outcomes.

Watch the Capital Markets Day teaser film

Bob Morris
Managing Partner

We are a global communications consultancy, working in partnership with our clients to help them understand and navigate change. Our aim is to build trust through transparency and honesty, so that together we can be a force for good.

Paul Owen
Managing Partner

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